I have started my new job. I'm going on my third week and everyday I have a new emotion that goes with it! I'm happy to be out of the house for some adult interaction but at the same time, I'm sad to being leaving my children's responsibility on someone else. That has been a chore in and of itself!!!! I'm hoping that this job will quickly lead to a full time one so that I can stick Nugget in full time daycare and not constantly have to be worrying about where he's going to go so I can work.
I've been dabbling in decorating onesies for my friends who are having babies. I regularly make shirts for Noodle but like making them for other people. I'm also trying to broaden my ideas away from just girly shirts since Nugget isn't a girl and needs something "boyly" as I say! I've made a really cute one with a rocket for my nephew but of course I don't have any pictures of it! I'm hoping to get really good at it and start selling them!!Here are a few that I have made for friends:
Nugget's eczema journey is still an ongoing one! I feel like we're seeing the dermatologist every 2 weeks with what seems like no progress at all! It's very frustrating. Well, at his last visit, she finally decided to do an ImmuCap test which tests for allergies through a bloodtest. Nugget went to an allergist back in Jan. but his skin tests showed nothing. He wasn't allergic to anything. I found that very hard to believe. He had reactions to milk and what we though was wheat but come to find out he's not allergic to them. The bloodtest found that he is allergic to cats and he has high sensitivity to walnuts and peanut and a mild sensitivity to soy. It has me thinking that his eczema can't possibly be in response to a food allergy. He's cleared up several times with the help of an antibiotic but if it were due to his food allergy, he wouldn't have cleared because he's never been off soy! Soy is in EVERYTHING!!! He has another appt. this week. We'll see how that goes!
So I guess that's about it! I'm sure I'll think of something else but until then...